Wednesday, October 28, 2009

east coast shenadigans

I know we have hardly written on this blog - SORRY!
so a brief sum up of our trip thus far -
Fishing - i have caught our dinner twice - bream... just big enough really... AND Arnon caught his first fish off the pier at Harvey Bay! A small reef fish that kinda looks like a bream.
On two occasions we have been visited by passing dolphins whilst fishing... nice.

4wding - after spending some time with Uncle Peter & Aunty Sue and cousin James at Sandbar, we were in the world's slowest vehicle fall... thats right... Peter's new ex swiss army truck fell on its side... very exciting, no harm done. The on Fraser Island we went on a self drive camping trip and Arnon being the best and most experience driver we totally kicked ass through deep soft sand and never got stuck. I also had a real go and absolutely loved it! I wanna land cruiser!

Wildlife - After Arnon may have injured a possum baby by shining a light on it, we have seen loads of kangaroos/wallabies. Also Goannas, blue tongues and waterdragon lizards. We Sammy the spider living in our camper and we went on a dolphin & wale watching cruise, where a humpback and its calf came very close to our boat... nice
We went to Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo and saw pretty much everything else but also got to feed kangaroos and pat koalas. Then last night in the Euongella National Park we saw loads of platapus, turtles, a brush tailed possum and a gigantic huntsman spider devouring a cockroach aswell and spotting a cane toad of which the ranger took to 'relocate'. (Cane toads = BAD)
Oh, and the hundreds of different birdlife that we have been spotting with our identification book).

We love northern NSW - lushious green hills and great wilderness and alternative vibe...
Lake Mackenzie on Fraser Island is the best beach thus far...

And now... on to the Whitsundays...
Going on a sailing trip tomorrow on an ex racing sail boat... maybe photos will follw some day...?

Oh, and the burgers from country towns cafes kick ass...
Until next time x


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