Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's been a long time...

My friend Vanilla reminded me of this blog, so I thought i should write something...


I have started a new job working for a music licensing firm, mainly internet research and setting up new accounts. But this is non-eventful in my life really. So let me tell you about the things that are eventful... Travels - past and future - Went to Paris for a weekend in December, met Arnon's mum and sister & was totally spoilt. Then went to Borovets in Bulgaria skiing for a week over Christmas with a bunch of great friends... what a week that was! I was the only skiier in the group, the rest being beginner snowboarders - hence, i spent my time flying down the slopes, while they spent most of theirs on their ass. Will spend a few days over Easter in a country cottage in the lakes district - bunch of friends, the wilderness, log fire - can't wait! Then off to Israel in April for 2 weeks... this is the one that will be the good one...

Arnon has started recording a 6 track album and will continue throughout February, keeping him rather busy...

I saw 'The Kite Runner' at the cinema a couple of days ago. I never got around to reading the best selling novel, but perhaps i will now. This movie moved me deeply, and triggered my research into the Taliban... what a fucked up organisation. Seeing the problems around the world, and there are so many, leaves me a little dazed and confused. I feel both helpless in not knowing what more i can do, and in a way, happy that I don't have to deal with any of this.

I think about the charachters in the film, especially Baba, who was so strong in his beliefs, and willing to die for his ideals. I listen to Arnon who tells me that Israel is worth fighting for (worth risking your life for) and it makes me think, do i have the same passion for my ideals?
Do I have specific ideals?
I'm not sure, maybe its my lack of identity, my mother being English, my father Australian, my need to wander this earth and experience as much as possible... I respect and commend people like Baba in the film, but i would be like the boy, telling my father to sit down and shut-up, not to get himself killed. Survival of the Fittest. I want to survive. I don't like violence, war, fighting - i'm a pacifist. I see the beauty in every day things - I walk around smiling... I have been so blessed in life, and thank God for it.

Peace is Beautiful...


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